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Sunday, June 10, 2012

2012 List...sort of

So I missed the boat at the beginning of the year on this idea, so I am calling this 2012.5. A list of things I hope to do/get done some time during the rest of this year. I decided to come up with 12 things since it's 2012, (clever, right?). So here we go:

  1. Make a new friend. If you read my previous post, you will understand why this is on the list. And I'm sure it's no coincidence that it was the first thing I wrote down for this list!
  2. Watch less TV through the week. Now this may sound like no big deal to most people, but my life revolves around the TV. I watch far too much of it, but with not a lot of other things going on, I usually find myself in front of the TV!
  3. Go on more walks. This will help with items 2 and 11!
  4. Make/do at least 10 things I have pinned on Pinterest.
  5. Blog at least once a week. (Looking at my blogging history, you can see this will be a challenge!)
  6. Make more cards.
  7. Create at least 2 pieces of art.
  8. Be Tina! And don't apologize for it! Do things for me and not for everyone else!
  9. Try 1 new thing/something I wouldn't normally do. I am not afraid to admit I am all talk and no action!
  10. Take a photography class.
  11. Reach my happy weight.
  12. Create 3 albums, large or mini count!

Let's see how I do! I am very good at putting things off and waiting until the last minute to do everything! I am also good at doing what other people want to do and not speaking up and saying what I want to do. These days, that shouldn't be a problem!!!

Hey, if you're out there, let me know! It's my goal to get a comment on this blog, even if it is to tell me to take a hike. - Wow, how PG-13 of me!

tata for now!