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Tuesday, September 11, 2012


I am alive. I am alive. I am alive. Today is a day that I will not complain, I will just be thankful to be alive. There are 2,977 people that can not complain about how much they dislike their job, their employees, the extra 15 pounds that they carry around after eating too much pizza and french fries. They don't get to complain about having to fix their car, their air conditioner. They don't get to continue to be upset over the loss of a friendship and obsess over how and why it was so easy for the friendship to just end. Today, I will not complain. As I watch clips of September 11, 2001, I'm transported back to that day. I was glued to the TV, watching along with the rest of the country. Watching in absolute horror over what was unfolding. Watching as so many lost loved ones in the Twin Towers, The Pentagon and in Pennsylvania. To think of Flight 93 and the bravery shown by those on board to overtake the plane, preventing even more lives from being lost. The sacrifice they made for the greater good. I so have a special spot in my heart for NYC. I still believe that New York is where I was meant to be. I miss New York and hope that in my next life, that is where I end up.

So when you get home and complain about the traffic jam, your bad day at the office or your mountain of homework, think about those we have lost. Think about those 2,977 people that would give anything to be able to complain about the traffic jam, their bad day at the office or their mountain of homework. And be thankful. 

Never Forget. 9.11.01