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Friday, May 18, 2012

Accepting an ending and looking for a new beginning...

What are you if you keep trying to open the door on a closed friendship? A masochist or crazy loyal? I often times am both. So loyal to people who don't give that same level of loyalty. Or being so worried about the other, that I fail to look out for myself. Which leads into the argument for being a masochist. I thought I took the hint weeks ago, but I took one last stab at just throwing my feelings out there and much too my dismay, they once again fell on deaf ears. I am not perfect, this I know, but I am finally taking the hint that has been smacking me around for months: "Move along, you're not wanted here anymore!!!" So as I close one chapter, I look towards the next chapter. Making new friends is nothing like when you were a kid. When you're a kid, you just start talking to the kid next to you at the playground and the next thing you know, you're swapping friendship bracelets! As an adult, you talk to the person next to you at the grocery and you get a look like you're a serial killer or just crazy. And then I stumble upon this book at Target, MWF seeking BFF. I am both inspired and dejected all at the same time. It will be hard navigate thru the choppy waters of mature adulthood while searching for a new BFF. I'm not sure that I will find a new BFF, those are hard to find, but I'm hoping to make some new friends. Ones who accept me for who I am, flaws and all. So if you're in the same boat as I, or even close, I strongly urge you to pick up this book. Great read!

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